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#Querdenkergerichtshof – #Spahn und die sogenannte “Aufarbeitung”

Nun spricht der ehemalige Gesundheitsminister Jens Spahn davon, er wünsche keinen "Querdenkergerichtshof", wobei er suggeriert, ihm sei dennoch sehr an der Aufarbeitung der Zeit der sog. Pandemie und den damit einhergegangenen politischen Maßnahmen gelegen.

Ein Kommentar zur #Aufarbeitung, weiterlesen auf #HAINTZmedia

‘Obvious Evidence of Genocide’: Mass Grave Discovered in Gaza’s Nasser Hospital

You can count the number of seeds in an apple, but you can't count the number of apples in a seed.

Imagine how much apples will cost when the dollar REALLY hits bottom.....

A Boston-based influencer has sparked outrage over inflation after claiming she paid $7 for a single apple at a Whole Foods.
"I scanned this motherf–ker I scanned it — 7 f–king dollars, 7!”

So for 2 apples, you could just plant the tree.....

#collapse #dollar #apple #inflation #prepping #farming #garden #self-sufficient #2024-04

Die Amerikaner wissen nichts über die wahre Geschichte.

Wussten Sie, dass 12 Millionen Deutsche nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg ethnisch gesäubert wurden?

Wussten Sie, dass eine halbe Million von ihnen ermordet wurden, weil sie Deutsch sprachen? Dass Kinder in einer Reihe aufgestellt und erschossen wurden? „Weit über zwei Millionen Frauen und Kinder wurden am Ende des Krieges vergewaltigt. Viele von ihnen starben oder begingen Selbstmord.“ In der Tschechoslowakei stellte man deutsche Zivilisten (viele von ihnen lebten dort seit Jahrhunderten) in einer Reihe auf und überfuhr sie mit Lastwagen. Man zwang sie, ihre eigenen Gräber auszuheben. Nicht alle von ihnen waren Deutsche. Manche von ihnen sprachen einfach nur Deutsch. 12 Millionen deutsche Zivilisten wurden aus Osteuropa vertrieben – man raubte ihnen gewaltsam ihre Häuser, ihr Eigentum und ihre Staatsbürgerschaft, weil sie Deutsch sprachen. Hunderttausende von ihnen verhungerten. Diese ethnische Vertreibung war die größte in der Menschheitsgeschichte, und dennoch haben Sie nie davon gehört. Warum? Ich möchte jedem empfehlen, sich diesen Dokumentarfilm anzusehen.

#AFD #NoAFD #Rassismus
#Linke #DieLinke #SED #Kommunismus #Sozialismus
#CDUCSU #Grundsatzprogramm #Union #antimuslimischerRassismus #ZentralratderMuslimeinDeutschland #Rassismus #Deutschland #Politik #Schwerpunkt
#CancelCulture #Diffamierung #Boykottaufrufe = #NAZI #AFD #NoAFD #NoNazi
Stalinistischer Aufruf sich von Mitmenschen wegen Kontaktschuld zu distanzieren, ist unmenschlich und vor allem demokratiefeindlich!
#Demokratiefeinde = #Grüne #SPD

For any dupes (like #flounder) using “anti-semitism” or "anti-semitic" in sentences, without knowing the origin of the words, there is this.
(I have her related video detailing this as well.)


What a maroon @[url=]flounder[/url] is:


"The Shining," a 1980 film directed by Stanley Kubrick...

Kubrick is (allegedly) the director of the Moon Landing Hoax...

The carpet in The Shinning matched the carpet and wall paper in Toy Story - and is shaped like an adrenochrome molecule...

"You are just a toy" - Woody says to Buzz in Toy Story...

bonus: the wall paper in Toy Story also had a demon/alien face in it...

#conspiracy-theory #globohomo #pedo-world #JQ

(Nitter addon enabled: Twitter links via

in reply to Ji Fu

@Ji Fu That's a childish short-ranged view on the actual problem in Ukraine. There is a law against "foreign" languages in place which only allows Ukrainian as a spoken and written language. Just image this reflected back at, let's say Germany where Turkish people suddenly start demanding that Turkish is the only language allowed to be used in Germany and if you speak e.g. German you are being fined with 200-300 EUR each attempt. Sure you you divide a country with this attempt.

(Nitter addon enabled: Twitter links via

Shock as Joe Brandon’s Uncle Eaten by Cannibals

Aw no, not Uncle Ambrose.
The poor bastard.


US President Joe Biden has claimed that an uncle of his who went missing in the Pacific during the Second World War had been eaten by cannibals.

Second Lieutenant Ambrose Finnegan of the US Army Air Forces was declared missing in May 1944, after his light bomber crashed in the sea.

“He got shot down in an area where there were a lot of cannibals at the time,” Biden told reporters on the campaign trail outside Air Force One in Scranton, Pennsylvania. “They never recovered his body, but the government went back when I went down there and they checked and found some parts of the plane.”

Several hours later, at a meeting with United Steelworkers union members in Pittsburgh, Biden told the same story.

“He got shot down in New Guinea and they never found the body because there used to be – there were a lot of cannibals, for real, in that part of New Guinea,” the 81-year-old Democrat said.

According to the Pentagon’s agency for prisoners of war and missing in action (POW-MIA), Finnegan was never shot down, however. Nor was it on a reconnaissance mission, as Biden claimed.

The A-20 Havoc light bomber was on a “courier run” from the Los Negros Island when its engines failed at low altitude, per the official account of the incident. The plane dropped into the sea off the north coast of New Guinea and two out of three crew members never made it out of the sinking wreck, which was never found. The one man who survived was rescued by a passing boat.

Biden has told many fictitious tales about his life over a 50-year career in politics, most famously about getting arrested while trying to visit Nelson Mandela in a South African prison. He has repeated one debunked story about an Amtrak conductor more than a dozen times.

The cannibal claim about Uncle Ambrose, however, served as a springboard for attacking his predecessor – and presumptive challenger – Donald Trump. In the campaign speech in Pittsburgh, Biden told... continue reading

Kyle Marisa Roth, a popular TikTok creator known for discussing controversial Hollywood blind items, has died. She was 36.

Her sister Lindsay Roth announced the news on social media Monday, saying that she “passed away last week.” A cause of death was not revealed.

controversial Hollywood blind items you say?


could be #Vaxicde or could be #globohomo #pedoworld #suicided

Remember when John Roberts weaselled out on a decision because he was afraid there would be riots? Here's hoping he doesn't pull that BS again.

Conservative Supreme Court justices seemed generally sympathetic on April 16 to a former police officer charged under an accounting reform law after he entered the U.S. Capitol for four minutes on Jan. 6, 2021.

The case is being closely watched because whenever the Supreme Court rules, its decision could have an impact on hundreds of Jan. 6 prosecutions, including the Jan. 6-related case against President Donald Trump.

Joseph Fischer, from Jonestown, Pennsylvania, was indicted on several counts following the Capitol breach on Jan. 6, including obstructing an official proceeding under Enron-era obstruction law 18 United States Code Section 1512(c). Convictions under the section can lead to 20 years in prison.

Slow system/su command on Devuan fixed!

For the hurried-up people:

I found the reason why my #Devuan server was slow in almost all regards. You may have to run $ sudo pam-auth-update and then unselect the elogind Session Management option.

Very simple fix. Now just restart your daemons or your server to have this change fully affecting your instance or whatever you run on it.

Longer log on how I slowly came to this point:

I found this out through executing $ sudo strace su - vuXXX and then it was slow at a ppoll() syscall which has a connect() syscall before to the dbus daemon. So I stopped it and it was fast. Sure this isn't the fix so I was eager to look further. I then checked again the strace output and found some sendmsg() invocation for authentication data which brought me closer to above fix. I then saw the /etc/pam.d/common-auth file and checked it. I only found some usual and an optional line for But that wasn't the culprit here. Then I also found elogind-user and that was the right one. So I tried to find the command to deactivate the responsible PAM module and saw in the documentation to use pam-auth-update.

And then I found the culprit elogind Session Management and deactivated it. I hope this saves some time for you.

Order ab Chao

All of the economic crises since 1989, and the economic crises to come, are quite literally created in order to weaken the natural resistance to the structural #globalization sought by #ClownWorld. This is why we keep hearing about how #defeat in #Ukraine means not only defeat, but the end of the #neoliberal #world-order.

The #Fed, the #EuropeanCentralBank, and the #Bank-of-Japan together set #monetary #policy for a zone that accounts for 80 percent of the world’s #industrialized #economic activity. Rarely, if ever, can so much #power have been wielded by such a small number of institutions sitting outside the democratic process.

Until 1997, the macro-economic performance of #Thailand, #Korea, #Indonesia, #Malaysia, #Singapore, and #Taiwan was widely praised by commentators, academics, and policymakers alike… It is therefore relevant to find out whether the #Asian #crisis was really the result of the Asian system. A thorough study of its causes reveals that, quite to the contrary, it was the policies “recommended” by the #US #Treasury, the #IMF, and the local Asian central banks that resulted in the Asian crisis. While the Asian central banks previously had had no legal #independence and few legal powers, after the Asian crisis almost all of them had become independent and #unaccountable for their actions.

#ClimateChange and the next economic crisis, which is now teed up nicely by the post-2008 #expansion of #unproductive #credit, are supposed to justify the #emergency #measures that Clown World is advertising as its #GreatReset. The Great Reset is nothing less than the plan to expand what was successfully accomplished in #Europe, #Japan, and the Four Tigers of Asia to the entire #world.

That plan is what #Russia and #China are resisting so staunchly and so successfully. And that is also why the clowns are panicking as the defeat of Ukraine becomes increasingly undeniable, because their entire system depends upon everyone accepting economic assertions that are obviously and entirely false as well as inevitabilities of progress that are actually nothing more than blatant and baseless lies.

Both the Chinese and the Russian leadership have seen through the lies and rejected the corruption. It’s only a matter of time before the rest of the world does as well. #RobertAntonWilson, among others, warned us of this, but we were too caught up in the false intellectual #divide of #left vs #right and #liberal vs #conservative to grasp the full extent of the implications.