Their entire house of cards relies on having people who are too stupid and or lazy to actually bother to look at the context for things like this.
@mk @Christmas Conner @GluedToTheScreen The 2 commenters are not getting the picture. He sure is an American, don't forget that (and nothing wrong about it). His son published "dad's" or deep state's shopping list of Panama Canal, Greenland and Canada. "He" or they want to build a mega country and have their battleships quickly moved from one ocean to the other without letting them travel around whole South America continent. That is geo-politics.
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Mitch Conner 🎺 :trump2:
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in reply to Mitch Conner 🎺 :trump2: • • •imagine you're sitting amonst people that called you hitler and wanted you dead..
Roland Häder likes this.
Roland Häder
in reply to mk • •