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🇮🇱 CONGRESS just voted to make it ILLEGAL if you claim ISRAEL is a RACIST STATE.


The first time I played it, I died several times during the prologue. -_-
Didn't even make it past the initial flight to when #2B crash-landed in he factory. T_T
And that was on normal difficulty. (>*_*)>

69 tote #Vögel unter einer #Windpark-Anlage entdeckt

Der Gotthard-Windpark und seine Auswirkungen auf die Vögel stehen heute im Rampenlicht der eidgenössischen Presse.

#Asoziale #Grüne töten vom aussterben bedrohte #Vögel!

Ben Shapiro is “a Sneaky Rat”

It’s not exactly news that the #LittlestChickenhawk is absolutely terrified of anyone who isn’t a college student, and therefore, is capable of unmasking what a #mediocre #little #midwit he is. #LaurenWitzke broke the news of the Daily Wire’s secret gag order that #LittleBenny managed to have imposed on #CandaceOwens in order to #avoid the #public #debate he claims to have wanted:

“But the debate was never going to happen. That is because the #DailyWire — in #secret and unbeknownst to its readers — sought a #gag #order to be placed on Owens after she had called for a debate. They did this under the cover of secrecy, before a private arbitrator, at exactly the same time that they were claiming in public that they wanted this debate and were even negotiating the terms with her. To this date, the Daily Wire has not informed its readers, seeking to understand why the much-anticipated debate had not yet happened, that they had sought and obtained a gag order against Owens.

When seeking a gag order to be imposed on Owens, the Daily Wire accused her of violating the non-disparagement clause of her agreement with the company. To substantiate this accusation, the company specifically cited Owens’ initial tweet requesting a debate with Shapiro as proof of this disparagement, along with concerns she voiced that Shapiro appeared to be violating the confidentiality agreement between them by publicly maligning Owens’s views to explain her departure from the company. While the company claimed before the arbitrator that it did not object in principle to a “healthy debate,” it urged the imposition of gag order on Owens by claiming that the way she requested the debate constituted disparagement of Shapiro and the site.

To justify the gag order it wanted, the company also cited various criticisms of the Daily Wire and Shapiro on X that Owens had “liked.” This proceeding took place as part of an exchange of legal threats between the parties after the public agreement to debate about Israel was solidified. Those threats arose from the fact that various Daily Wire executives and hosts, in both public and private, were castigating Owens as an anti-Semite. On March 22, Daily Wire host Andrew Klaven published a one-hour video that hurled multiple accusations, including anti-Semitism, at Owens. The Daily Wire cited Owens’ response to that video — her defense of herself from those multiple accusations — as further proof that she needed to be gagged.”

“After the prior restraint hearing sought by the Daily Wire and Shapiro, the arbitrator sided with them and against Owens. The arbitrator agreed with the Daily Wire that Owens’ call to debate Shapiro, and her follow-up negotiations of the debate, constituted “disparagement” of the company and Shapiro. The company argued that any further attempt by Owens to debate, as well her suggesting that the debate would expose the Daily Wire’s real “priorities,” constituted criticisms of the site and of Shapiro, criticisms that the arbitrator concluded Owens was barred from expressing under her contract with the company.

The arbitrator thus imposed a gag order of prior restraint on Owens. Among other things, the order banned Owens from saying or doing anything in the future which could tarnish or harm the reputation of the Daily Wire and/or Ben Shapiro. Given that the Daily Wire had argued, and the arbitrator agreed, that Owens’ offers to debate Shapiro about Israel and anti-semitism were themselves “disparaging,” the Daily Wire has ensured that the debate with Owens that they publicly claimed to want could not, in fact, take place. Any such debate would be in conflict with the gag order they obtained on Owens from expressing any criticisms of the site or of Shapiro.”

The ironic thing is that Shapiro will never understand how much his cowardice and “cleverness” is the cause of all the hatred directed toward him. No one envies his manufactured “success”. He’s a miserable little midwit, eaten up by his certain knowledge that he’s an imposter. I know this, because I was there when he was a young man deciding between making his own way and taking the ticket. And against my advice, he chose the latter.

Now he has learned that there is no amount of money that can compensate a man for selling his soul.

More details from Glenn Greenwald. And the New York Post.

Daily Wire obtains gag order against Candace Owens despite Ben Shapiro wanting debate

(Nitter addon enabled: Twitter links via

Forget the Autism

There is substantial statistical evidence suggesting – suggesting, mind you, not proving – that sufficient vaccines can make you trans and gay:

Here are the odds ratio between the fully #vaccinated/fully #unvaccinated. Odds ratios >2 are traditionally associated with #causality:

Sexual orientation: 4.78

Gender identity: 4.81

Gender dysphoria: 5.54

These effects are huge and consistent.

Also, the odds ratios for partially vaccinated are in line with the fully vaccinated: in general, the greater the number of #vaccines someone has, the more likely they are to have a trait that differs from traditional norms. So the vaccines themselves are the elephant in the room here and the #driver of the response, not #environment, #upbringing, #social #pressure, etc.

Now, I already lean pretty heavily #anti-vax, which is why refusing the #Covid #not-vaxx didn’t even rise to the level of having to think about it for one second. But these results should make even the most mindless pro-vax #parent think twice about signing up little Bobby or Jenny for the endless series of foreign substances presently being pushed on the #parents of young #children. Especially in the aftermath of the #global #vaxx #debacle.

At the very least, more genuine scientific research is required, and no amount of fake ethical special pleading about how it is immoral to have an unvaccinated control group will suffice to avoid it.

Und wieder einmal habe ich keinen Sundaygimp im Angebot, und dass hier inzwischen überall die Nullpappen zur Europawahl in den wehrlosen öffentlichen Blickraum gehängt werden, empfinde ich als Beleidigung meines Intellekts. Besonders angetan haben es mir heute die Pappen der AfD und der CDU, die ich mal kurzerhand zusammengefasst habe. Daran, dass dieser schwarz-rot-bananengelbe Balkenbogen der CDU wirklich genau so aussieht, als sei er zur Aufnahme des Aufwärtspfeiles der AfD entworfen worden, bin ich aber ausnahmsweise mal unschuldig. | #Satire

#Querdenkergerichtshof – #Spahn und die sogenannte “Aufarbeitung”

Nun spricht der ehemalige Gesundheitsminister Jens Spahn davon, er wünsche keinen "Querdenkergerichtshof", wobei er suggeriert, ihm sei dennoch sehr an der Aufarbeitung der Zeit der sog. Pandemie und den damit einhergegangenen politischen Maßnahmen gelegen.

Ein Kommentar zur #Aufarbeitung, weiterlesen auf #HAINTZmedia

‘Obvious Evidence of Genocide’: Mass Grave Discovered in Gaza’s Nasser Hospital

in reply to Roland Häder

I love Springtime in England and most of the areas where wild flowers and herbs grow. It's a very big difference from where I'm living now in the south of Spain, where there are not half as many flowers growing in the countryside and beside the roads like there are in England ❤

You can count the number of seeds in an apple, but you can't count the number of apples in a seed.

Imagine how much apples will cost when the dollar REALLY hits bottom.....

A Boston-based influencer has sparked outrage over inflation after claiming she paid $7 for a single apple at a Whole Foods.
"I scanned this motherf–ker I scanned it — 7 f–king dollars, 7!”

So for 2 apples, you could just plant the tree.....

#collapse #dollar #apple #inflation #prepping #farming #garden #self-sufficient #2024-04