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Scandal Deepens Around CNN’s Clarissa Ward Staging Syria Prison Scene

Richter a.D. zu Online- #Zensur und #Pandemiepolitik

im Gespräch mit Dr. Manfred Kölsch

Ehemaliger Richter äußert sich im Gespräch zur potenziell demokratiegefährdenden Online-Zensur auf EU-Ebene und zu den Auswüchsen der deutschen Pandemiepolitik

Das Gesetz über digitale Dienste (englisch Digital Services Act, DSA) ist seit dem 17. Februar 2024 in Deutschland anwendbar. Laut der Bundesregierung zielt es auf "ein sichereres und verantwortungsvolleres Online-Umfeld" ab. Der Richter außer Dienst und Rechtsanwalt Dr. Manfred Kölsch, der im Mai 2021 aufgrund der haarsträubenden Pandemiepolitik sein Bundesverdienstkreuz zurückgab, hat sich in mehreren Publikationen (2) mit diesem Gesetz beschäftigt und sieht vor allem in der Unbestimmtheit der angewandten Begriffe eine Gefahr für den Debattenraum. Die Möglichkeit, ganz frei zu Diskutieren, sei für ein demokratisches Zusammenleben elementar wichtig, der Streit zwischen kontroversen Meinungen gehöre untrennbar/unabdingbar/unverzichtbar zur Demokratie . Kölsch’ Meinung nach birgt der Digital Services Act das Potenzial, dass eben nicht nur tatsächlich rechtswidrige Inhalte gelöscht werden, sondern auch Meinungsäußerungen, die eigentlich von der Meinungsfreiheit gedeckt sind.

Im zweiten Teil unseres Gesprächs geht es um die illegale massenhafte Beschaffung von Masken unter dem ehemaligen Gesundheitsminister Jens Spahn, die Dr. Kölsch zufolge eindeutig illegal verlief. Der Bundeshaushalt sei hierdurch mit stolzen 5,9 Milliarden Euro belastet worden, ohne dass diese Ausgaben einen sinnvollen Beitrag zur „Pandemie“-Bekämpfung geleistet hätten. Manfred Kölsch spricht diesbezüglich von Steuergeldvernichtung und hat auch darüber eine ausführliche, sehr lesenswerte Analyse veröffentlicht.

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in reply to Roland Häder

Here is your #FediTree for the year 2024.

Using external server was not possible; result may be inaccurate.
3 accounts were omitted due to #nobot tags or discoverability settings.

Roland Häder reshared this.

Former Romanian Prime Minister Admits Romania Is Run By The U.S. State Department And Soros
In an interview on the Marius Tucă Show, Former Romanian Prime Minister Adrian Năstase admitted that “Romania’s Internal Organization” has been run for the past thirty years by “segments of the State Department, together with the Soros Team.”

Năstase, who served as Romanian Prime Minister from 2000 to 2004, said that the “internal affairs” of his country are handled by the U.S. “State Department” and the “Soros Team.” Romania’s defense is in the hands of the Pentagon and the White House. “Right now, we fundamentally depend on them from a security point of view, especially in the context of the war next to us. There are many centers of power in the United States. In the security area, we obviously depend partly on the White House, the Pentagon, and partly on the State Department.”

#Romania #US-State-Department #Soros

Verängstigte Pakete auf der Arbeit ...

Heute hatte ich ein verängstigtes Paket bei der Arbeit. 😂 Wir haben dort lange Eisen- und Plastikstangen, um Pakete herunterzuziehen, die an Rutschen feststecken und heute, als eines feststeckte, nahm ich die Stange und wollte es herunterziehen, da fing es an selbst runterzurutschen. Vielleicht dachte es: "Ach du meine Güte! Eine Stange!" 😂😂😂

Trump Tells Trudeau He Won't Annex Canada If They Admit Their Bacon Is Just Ham

#LOL #satire #Canada #President-Trump

Suddenly in Serie A

A Fiorentina midfielder collapsed in the middle of the game against Inter yesterday. Medical experts, as you might expect, are totally mystified and baffled as to the cause:

Fiorentina midfielder Edoardo Bove is in a medically induced coma after collapsing on the field during his team’s Serie A match at home to Inter Milan on Sunday, with the game abandoned shortly afterward.

Bove’s teammates immediately called for medical help and both sets of players surrounded the 22-year-old while he was being treated before he was swiftly stretchered off to an ambulance near the pitch and taken to Careggi Hospital in Florence.

“Fiorentina and the Careggi University Hospital announce that the footballer Edoardo Bove … is currently under pharmacological sedation and hospitalized in intensive care,” Fiorentina said in a statement.

We don’t KNOW it’s the #vaxx… Speaking of which, I’ll be sharing my theory on the true purpose behind the vaxx on a UATV-exclusive Darkstream tonight, which I suspect some of you will find interesting.


Suddenly in Serie A

A Fiorentina midfielder collapsed in the middle of the game against Inter yesterday. Medical experts, as you might expect, are totally mystified and baffled as to the cause:

Fiorentina midfielder Edoardo Bove is in a medically induced coma after collapsing on the field during his team’s Serie A match at home to Inter Milan on Sunday, with the game abandoned shortly afterward.

Bove’s teammates immediately called for medical help and both sets of players surrounded the 22-year-old while he was being treated before he was swiftly stretchered off to an ambulance near the pitch and taken to Careggi Hospital in Florence.

“Fiorentina and the Careggi University Hospital announce that the footballer Edoardo Bove … is currently under pharmacological sedation and hospitalized in intensive care,” Fiorentina said in a statement.

We don’t KNOW it’s the #vaxx… Speaking of which, I’ll be sharing my theory on the true purpose behind the vaxx on a UATV-exclusive Darkstream tonight, which I suspect some of you will find interesting.


Samsung's "Internet" browser redirects to Amazon when accessing F-Droid

My wife has bought herself a #Samsung #Android S7. When she tries to directly open the all-known-all-famous download URL she got redirected to Amazon. I had to send the file directly to her via an other app.

Shame on you Samsung!

Eileen Brophy reshared this.

#Orwellss Albtraum im Jahr 2024: Die Realität schlägt die Dystopie

#Habeck, angeblich ein Kritiker totalitärer Ideologien, der vor dem „Gift des Denkens“ warnte, scheint heute Orwells düstere Vision umzusetzen.

#quote #Alfred #Musset

"It is sweet to believe oneself unhappy when one is merely empty and bored," wrote Alfred de Musset in The Confession of a Child of the Century.

#cop #climate #summits #definition #lol #humor

Climate summits?

You know, those upscale events where our leaders gather to discuss how we should all live in caves without electricity.

#rambo #history #movie

Initially, the role of John Rambo was not intended for Sylvester Stallone but for Steve McQueen. However, this legendary actor passed away in 1980, two years before the release of First Blood, the first installment of the trilogy

Sweden tells citizens to prepare for WAR: Five million households get pamphlets on how to get their home ready for nuclear armageddon... as Biden is accused of trying to start World War Three