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Die Bargeldretter

Eine Graswurzelbewegung kleiner Einzelhändler hat das Potenzial, Bargeld als Zahlungsmittel für die Zukunft zu bewahren.
#Bargeld #geld #Datenschutz #Privatsphäre #politik #Überwachung #bänkster

Die #Regierung spaltet das #Volk!

#HaßRede ist die #Rede, welche die #Politiker haßen, weil sie ihre #Macht gefährdet!
So erfindet die Regierung "Angriffe auf Grüne"!

#Sozialismus #Freiheit #Meinungsfreiheit #Moralisten

#Grüne = #Nazi #Totalitarismus

They’re SO Not There To Help

The federal government does not want to help you. It has been actively trying to kill you, and attempting to interfere with anyone who gets in the way. This attempt to shut down donations and volunteers in Tennessee is no different than the attacks on all the doctors, nurses, and people speaking out in public about the dangers of the vaxx. Numerous people on social media are reporting some form of the following:

The feds are confiscating donations in Tennessee

Red Cross and FEMA/TEMA has arrived and all donations that has been given to local high school volunteers have been CONFISCATED.

Starting with Davy Crockett High school, They are taking over all volunteer schools in Washington Co, & Greene County.

In order for anyone to get donations that was given they must be approved.

All monetary donations have been taken as well and placed into a TEMA account. If you are unaware of how that works- those items doesn’t all get used for this particular disaster.

Volunteers have been asked to leave, and was told in order to help they MUST be trained by United Way.

PLEASE, I know I already made a post on Red Cross and FEMA the other day, but please if you donate, donate to a church or give to individuals.

They can not take supplies from churchs! Church members will make sure your donations get to the correct hands.

We are still taking donations here, as well as picking up donations this weekend- our donations will be going directly to church’s for them to help the communities.

I know several others that are picking up donations and taking them as well.

And if you would rather donate directly to a church for a church to take- I can put you in contact with churches also.

UPDATE: If that wasn’t bad enough, members of the 82nd Airborne, based in North Carolina, are being denied passes to go home and help their families, because the clowns in Washington deem it more important for them to be on call to go and fight for Israel, as despite all of the billions and billions in US funding provided over the years, apparently there are doubts that the IDF can defeat a Lebanese militia without their assistance.

Satanists Confirmed

The #evils of the #Hellmouth are no secret to anyone who reads this site. But it’s remarkable to see individuals with direct and extensive experience of #Hollywood confirming what everyone here already knows.

Hercules actor #KevinSorbo dropped a massive bombshell Tuesday, claiming he left the entertainment industry because of a #proliferation of #pedophilia.

I didn’t get “blacklisted” from Hollywood, I left because they’re all pedos.
— Kevin Sorbo (@ksorbs) October 1, 2024

It was previously believed the Hercules: The Legendary Journeys actor had left or was pushed out of Hollywood over his conservative views and Christian beliefs; however, his new commentary sheds light on the real reasons he left the industry.

The #Satanists of the Hellmouth hide behind the protection provided to them by #Holocaustianity. They are not evil because they are of any particular genetic heritage – to the best of our current understanding, anyhow – they are evil because they quite literally #worship #Satan and are consciously at war with God Almighty, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and heritage America. Deviant sexual practices are a significant element of their wicked rites, which includes the #systematic #sexual #abuse of #children.

Ben Hirsch, the cofounder of Survivors for Justice, an organization that advocates for victims of sexual abuse in Orthodox communities, suggested that the rate of abuse could exceed 50 percent for boys within Hasidic enclaves.

As the growing P. Diddy scandal shows, it’s not about #race or #nationality, but #religion. Specifically, about the secret satanic religion behind #ClownWorld that promises earthly success in lieu of eternal salvation. While the authorities are no doubt doing their utmost to contain the damage being caused by the Sean Combs revelations, the truth is gradually being exposed, drop by drop. And it is good, in fact, it is declared, that we will hate the wicked, just as they hate us. We are fortunate that they make it so very easy for us to do so by their abominable practices. The only “god” by whom they are chosen is the god of this world.

The just abhor the wicked man: and the wicked loathe them that are in the right way.
— Proverbs 29:27

when you combine being completely clueless with total trust in government propaganda:


BTW: she runs a company that did over flight dragnet surveillance of Baltimore to "help police"

#vaxicide #propaganda #depopulation

Pager Terror Attacks

It is generally accepted that #Israel is to blame for a mass terrorist attack that injured more than 2900 people in #Lebanon.

Israel carried out a #pager #bomb #attack that left roughly 2,800 people injured and 12 dead in #Lebanon and #Syria yesterday fearing that #Hezbollah was on the cusp of foiling their deadly plot, a new report has claimed.

Pager devices recently introduced by the group to beef up security exploded en masse yesterday, causing chaotic scenes and devastation in Lebanese hospitals. Israel is believed to have orchestrated the attack but has not claimed responsibility. Security sources believe Mossad, Israel’s spy agency, intercepted devices en route to Lebanon months ago and attached explosives to be used when needed to cripple the Iranian proxy group.

Still, questions remain as to why the attack was carried out on Tuesday. One American official told Axios it was ‘a use it or lose it moment’ as Hezbollah were understood to be getting close to uncovering Israeli espionage.

Three US officials told Axios that Israel decided to blow up the pager devices carried by Hezbollah members on Tuesday as they feared the group was close to uncovering their operation.

A security source told Reuters that up to three grams of explosives had been hidden in the new pagers and had gone ‘undetected’ by Hezbollah for months.

One senior Lebanese security source told the news agency he believes the devices had been modified by Mossad ‘at the production level’ before arriving in Lebanon. ‘The Mossad injected a board inside of the device that has explosive material that receives a code. It’s very hard to detect it through any means,’ the source said.

Hezbollah earlier this year ordered thousands of pagers to conduct communications after leader Hassan Nasrallah declared smartphones would be more susceptible to cyber attacks by Israeli forces. As many as 5,000 devices are believed to have affected, though not all went off on Tuesday, according to the Lebanese source. The source claimed Hezbollah ordered the pagers from a Taiwanese company called Gold Apollo, but executives there said the devices were actually manufactured and sold under licence by BAC Consulting in Budapest, Hungary.

Elijah J. Magnier, a Brussels-based senior political risk analyst, later said he spoke with Hezbollah members who had examined pagers that failed to explode. The pagers appeared to receive a coded error message sent to all the devices that caused them to vibrate and beep for some 10 seconds. When the user pressed the pager’s button to cancel the alert, the explosives were detonated – a design that would ensure the pager was being held by the user at the time of the blast to inflict maximum damage.

The months-long operation by Mossad and the IDF represents an unprecedented security breach for Hezbollah, which vowed to exact revenge on Israel and continue its support for ally Hamas amid the ongoing war in Gaza.

First, this was obviously an own goal by Israel, which doesn’t seem to grasp that it is already considered to be a #genocidal #terrorist #state by most of the world now due to the #Gazacaust. The obvious probability of collateral damage, the trivial amount of military damage that could potentially be inflicted, and the indifference to civilian casualties make it a clear and obvious act of #terrorism. There is no way this is going to improve the diplomatic crisis that Israel presently faces.

Second, there are three major implications in the Unintended Consequences department. One, who in their right minds is going to buy any #Israeli #technological #product now or in the future? For all my opposition to anti-boycott laws and policies in the #USA, I don’t follow the #BDS movement and I’ve never had any issue with Israeli products in the past, but there is no chance I will ever buy or utilize any Israeli product that is capable of containing explosives in the future, and I very much doubt I am alone in this.

Two, Hezbollah’s leadership already wanted its fighters to stop using mobile phones. This mass attack on pagers has underlined the wisdom of the leadership’s position and will further reduce the likelihood that Hezbollah’s fighters will violate operational security.

And three, this should put a nail in the coffin of #transhumanism. Only morons are going to put a chip in their hand, or in their head, in the knowledge that there is a genuine possibility that someone will have the ability to make it explode? It may even have a negative effect on device and smart phone sales over time, particularly if it is ever repeated.

These attacks were moderately successful. But they strike me as very ill-conceived and essentially non-military in conception. They are the sort of thing that Smart Boys in #intelligence always concoct because they think it would be cool and clever, not the kind of operation that is conducive to actually winning wars.

UPDATE: Israel doubled down on its exploding device attacks:

Thousands of walkie talkies used by Hezbollah fighters have detonated across Lebanon, killing nine and wounding hundreds of people including mourners at a funeral, witnesses and security sources have reported. The second wave of carnage comes a day after thousands of exploding pagers used by the group left almost 3,000 people injured and a dozen dead, including civilians and children. Lebanese media has also reported that home solar energy systems have blown up in several areas of #Beirut. The latest explosions this afternoon have hit the country’s south and the capital Beirut, where dramatic time-lapse video shows multiple plumes of smoke rising above the skyline in different locations almost simultaneously.

This really doesn’t bode well for devices such as the #iPhone that don’t permit users to change their own batteries. How can you trust that there isn’t an ounce or two of high-explosive attached to your battery if it’s in a sealed-off department?

It’s certainly an object lesson in “build your own communications equipment” for everyone around the world.

#Klimaschwindel aufgedeckt:

  1. Waren Temperatur und CO2-Gehalt früher höher? Ja, die meiste Zeit.
  2. Sind Temperatur und CO2 stark korreliert? Offenbar nicht.
  3. Stieg die Temperatur jemals so rasch wie derzeit? Vor 13.000 Jahren viel rascher.

Hintergrund: Keine Grafik löst solche Hasswellen aus wie diese. Und mit Grund:

  1. Die Grafik widerlegt den Mythos einer „Bewahrung der Schöpfung”, also die Behauptung eines konstanten Klimas, bis der böse Mensch auftauchte.
  2. Die millionenalten Werte beruhen auf physikalischen Rekonstruktionen (z. B. mit Isotopen). Allerdings sind die Werte nicht fein nach Jahrhunderten oder gar Jahren aufgelöst, sondern eher nach Jahrmillionen.
  3. Beim jüngeren Dryas-Ereignis vor rund 13.000 Jahren stieg die Temperatur jedoch um bis zu 10° in 50 Jahren, also viel rascher als derzeit:

In den Hassposts wird regelmäßig folgendes bekrittelt:
1. Im Kambrium (-500 Mio. Jahre) lebten keine Menschen. Das ist gerade der Clou! Deshalb gab es damals auch keinen menschengemachten Klimawandel.
2. Im Kambrium hätten Menschen nicht überleben können. Stimmt, aber wer hat anderes behauptet?

Die Grafik selbst ist unstreitig; ähnliche sind sogar in Schulbüchern zu finden. Die enorme Varianz von Temperatur und CO2 vor der Existenz von Menschen legt nahe, dass die Klimareligion verfehlt ist und uns eine kleine Clique von Nihilisten und Profiteuren den Wohlstand raubt.

Ich würde jene Milliarden, die die Ampel sinnlos für die Steuerung der Erdtemperatur verplempert, für Infrastruktur, Bildung, Gesundheit, Umwelt- und Hochwasserschutz einsetzen!

#AlGore #Lügner
#Global #Warming #FFF #FridaysForFuture #Klima #Klimawandel #Greta
#Klimakatastrophe #ParentsForFuture
#HunterBiden #JoeBiden #BIDEN #WOKE #Regenbogen
#Grüne #Pädophile #Päderasten #DasGrüneReich #Grünfaschisten #Gutmenschen #Kinderschänder #Heuchler #Pizzagate #Kindesmissbrauch #Kindesmisshandlung #Epstein #Antifa = #Faschismus im Mäntelchen des #Antifaschismus
#Grüne #NAZI #Ideologie
#gretathunberg #greta #speech #Youth4Climate #pre-COP26 #milan #italy #climate #crisis #justice #world #climatechange
#interview #gretathunberg #greta #transformation #biography #autism #environment #climate #crisis #activism #inspiration #cop26 #hypocrisy #fridaysforfuture #FFF #Demo #Heuchelei #Reemtsma und #LuiSSA #Neubauer sind #Oligarchen !
#Asoziale #Asozialen #Grünen #BearBock #KlimaKirche #Umweltschutz #Palmer #Greta #Strom #Reiche #FFF #FridayForFutures #Thunberg #WOKE

in reply to Roland Häder

lol. don't matter where she lives, she's still from Haiti. ;)

RIP James Earl Jones

The man truly was a legend. In addition to all of his acting accomplishments, he was a lieutenant in the US Army. 93 is a very respectable run, and it’s not as if they’ll be needing him for Star Wars anymore. To cap it all off, was an incredibly funny take on celebrity and fandom. Even if you don’t like the show, you really have to see that episode.

Right across the border from my favorite city on Earth…

The End of Schengen

#Germany has finally bowed to the inevitable and will be bringing the era of free movement across #Europe to an end:

Germany will bring in controls on all its land #borders to deal with the ‘continuing burden’ of #migration and ‘Islamist #terrorism’, the country’s interior minister has told the #EU.

Nancy Faeser of the struggling Social Democrat party (SPD) has finally accepted that Germany has no choice but to enforce proper border controls if it has any hope of coping with the staggering amount of unauthorised entries.

According to German newspaper Bild, the new rules will see ‘harsh rejections of #migrants at the borders’.

Faeser has reportedly already informed the #EU #Commission of the decision, which is fuelled by deep-rooted panic over Germany’s current migrant situation and internal #security #threats.

I lived in #Europe pre-Schengen, and I won’t lie, it was really nice to be able to blitz right through the borders that used to take up to 45 minutes to get through. But what was convenient for day-trippers and tourists has been an absolute #nightmare due to the #criminals and #migrants who were also provided with easy and invisible movement throughout the #EuropeanUnion states and the non-EU #Schengen signees.

This has been coming for two or three years now; we’ve seen some of the big border infrastructure being built at the #borders of #France and #Spain, even though it isn’t being used yet. The police mostly use the toll booths as an ersatz border, but that only works for the highways.

#Brexit marked the beginning of the end for the EU, but the effective demise of Schengen marks another important step.

Western 'democracy'?: France's Macron steals election, arrests Telegram CEO

How to Get Your Ship Sunk

#US #Navy officers were caught putting a #contraband #Starlink satellite dish on their ship so they could stream TV and movies:

Today’s Navy sailors are likely familiar with the jarring loss of internet connectivity that can come with a ship’s deployment. For a variety of reasons, including operational security, a crew’s internet access is regularly restricted while underway, to preserve bandwidth for the mission and to keep their ship safe from nefarious online attacks.

But the senior enlisted leaders among the littoral combat ship Manchester’s gold crew knew no such privation last year, when they installed and secretly used their very own Wi-Fi network during a deployment, according to a scathing internal investigation obtained by Navy Times.

As the ship prepared for a West Pacific deployment in April 2023, the enlisted leader onboard conspired with the ship’s chiefs to install the secret, unauthorized network aboard the ship, for use exclusively by them.

So while rank-and-file sailors lived without the level of internet connectivity they enjoyed ashore, the chiefs installed a Starlink satellite internet dish on the top of the ship and used a Wi-Fi network they dubbed “STINKY” to check sports scores, text home and stream movies.

It’s like the idiotic #mercenaries in #Ukraine who carry their cell phones around with them until Mr. Kaliber or Mr. Iskander comes to visit, only on a grand scale. I think we can definitely say that this officially marks the end of the Pax Americana and the US Navy ruling the oceans. This navy will be lucky if any of its ships survive contact with the enemy. I mean, it’s already lost one battle against the landlocked forces of #Yemen.

In 1960 Cuban President Fidel Castro was asked which candidate would he prefer…
Kennedy or Nixon.?

Castro replied… “It’s impossible to compare two shoes worn by the same person. America is governed by one party… the Zionist Party and it has two wings…

The Republican wing which represents the hard line Zionist power… and the Democratic wing which represents the soft Zionist power…

There is no difference in the goals and strategies, it’s the means and tools that slightly differ”